



Up Smart 9
ReSound Up Smart is a new kind of Smart Hearing aid that adapts to the way children live today, combining the best available sound quality and access to speech with new possibilities to connect with their world
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ReSound hearing aids help connect your child to the world, giving them access to the essential sounds and speech of everyday life.
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Up Smart 5
Small but mighty, our nearly invisible hearing aids are virtually unnoticeable and don’t lack in amazing features.
Download BrochureBenefits of hearing aids
Hearing aids do so much more than help you hear. They help you connect with people & things you love – Dinner with friends, Music, Theater, Holidays with family, Golf & the list goes on. Some benefits of hearing aids may even be surprising to you:
- More positive, satisfying relationships
- Improved job performance
- Higher earning potential
- Reduced anxiety
- Increased confidence
- Reduced risk of dementia
- Improved cognitive function
Treating your loss of hearing with hearing aid devices allow you to live out your passions with the people you love.
It’s easy to get started

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